Teresa Remple in Berlin: Week 3

Guten Tag from Berlin! I am having so much fun and learning so many new things whilst in Berlin, and I am also working. Here is what my workspace looks like. I am enjoying my second screen (plugs into my USB) and find it to be so handy. I use it to reconcile my bank accounts (no need to print the statements off) and I can also watch a movie whilst designing a newsletter. It’s perfect! You can also see my Wacom Tablet, which I have not used very much yet. One of my goals while I am here, is to start using it so that I am comfortable incorporating it into my design process. Perhaps I will design another fabric with it…hmmm?!
I am working on Inspirational Posts for our social media. Here is one that I made, using a photo I took in Iceland of the Aurora Borealis and a quote that cuts to the chase: “I have decided to stick with Love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” By Martin Luther King Jr.
My Airbnb host has this appropriate mug in which I like to drink my morning coffee.
Michelle (an amazing addition to ‘team Texture’) made stickers for me to give out to people I meet on this trip. I put one on my dayplanner. It’s a good reminder: choose love. (Do you see a theme here!?!)